Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
Are any of the schools known for their quality in Hyde Park?
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Is there any cool, out of the way camping locations in Hyde Park?
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I'm moving to Hyde Park soon, what's a good website to look for real estate?
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Are there any party goods stores in or around Hopewell Junction?
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Are there any quality day spas in or around Hopewell Junction?
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Are there any interesting historical landmarks or sites near Hyde Park?
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How many libraries can I find in Fishkill? Are they small or well-stocked?
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I'd like to open a small antique store. Would Stormville be able to support my business?
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What sports activities are there for kids in Stormville? Little League baseball? Hockey? Soccer?
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Are any parts of Hillside Lake more expensive than the rest? Where?
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Are there ever any apartments listed in private homes in Hillside Lake?
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How much crime is there in Fishkill compared with the rest of Dutchess County?
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What are the hiking opportunities in Sarah Taylor Park in Fishkill?
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Is the population in Fishkill big enough for me to find good babysitters?
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What is the average classroom size of grade schools in Stormville?
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How long is the drive from Hillside Lake to Hopewell Junction?
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Is Dutchess County Airport a good place to travel from if you live in Hillside Lake?
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